![A group of preschool students gathered around a teacher reading a book](https://ca-literacy-dyslexia-collab.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/img-feature.png)
A historic partnership to improve literacy for California’s children
We consider literacy to be a basic human right. Our mission is to improve literacy for all children, especially those with reading challenges like dyslexia.
By establishing the UC/CSU California Collaborative for Neurodiversity and Learning, California has taken a bold step to secure access to evidence-based instruction for all children.
Our vision is to translate research in neuroscience into educational practice. In so doing, we seek to address equity issues for children with learning challenges and to help California’s most vulnerable youth.
The UC/CSU California Collaborative for Neurodiversity and Learning brings together experts in research and practice from both the University of California and the California State University systems with the goal of improving literacy for all children, particularly those with reading challenges such as dyslexia.
This partnership is an historic, critical investment in our children through research and implementation of cutting-edge screening, instruction, and intervention. By understanding how to support our children with dyslexia, we help all developing readers.
The Collaborative works to prepare and support teachers in pre-service programs and ongoing professional development about the reading brain and its implications for screening, instruction, and intervention.
The UC/CSU California Collaborative for Neurodiversity and Learning was launched in January 2020 with the aim of improving literacy in California and beyond.
Established by legislation AB 1703 and funded in the June 2019 budget, the Collaborative launched in January 2020 with these primary goals:
Develop and share new knowledge and innovations in Mind, Brain, and Education
Create and implement pre-service teacher education programs
Create and implement in-service professional development programs
Test models of early screening to assess the literacy strengths and needs of children
Conduct research and evaluate current educational practices for children with reading challenges
The Legislature believes this to be one of the civil rights issues of this generation. Californians must work together to secure equal access to quality learning for all children. By setting aside $6 million to establish the UC/CSU California Collaborative for Neurodiversity and Learning, California’s leaders are creating the foundation for evidence-based teaching and learning that will prepare our next generation for successful lives.
The UC/CSU California Collaborative for Neurodiversity and Learning was launched with an initial focus on dyslexia and the reading brain as a way to increase literacy in all children. Our goal for 2023 and beyond is to greatly expand this neuroscience and education work to address equity issues for children with other learning and social-emotional challenges, with emphasis on emerging bilingual students.
Towards these ends, we envision expanding our network of California researchers, policy leaders, and skilled practitioners with expertise in general and special education, cognitive and affective neuroscience, psychology, child and adolescent development, and linguistics. We aim to work together toward the shared goal of improving the educational outcomes and life successes for California’s most vulnerable youth, including those who have experienced a continuum of trauma.